Saturday, 18 December 2010

LDKO: Air Tiki Temple, the Mystic Solstice Cube

As it goes, the final Solstice Cube appeared and began to spin in front of Air Tiki. Time for spinning the cube at Air Tiki Temple. Come on down, help out with the keeping the season spinning. Remember to hurry and get these as they only live as long as people keep clicking. Good Luck, Miranda Foehammer

LDKO: The Mystical Solstice Cube of Earth

And yet, as two LDK Solstice cubes spun, a third began to do it's thing down at at Earth Tiki Temple. The third is up and running. Come and add your touch to it's spin at Good Luck! Miranda Foehammer

LDKO: Mystic Solstice Cube of Fire

Greetings Tribe!
The Mystic Solstice Cube has appeared at the Fire Tiki Temple! Again, this is limited duration event. Once the cube stops spinning it's dead for the year. Make your way down to Fire Temple Tiki at
My good cube bad cube kudos from the water tiki post are still good, so read that one and send me a note card in world to get my blog kudos!
Good Luck,
Miranda Foehammer

Friday, 17 December 2010

LDKO: The Mystical Solstice Cube of Water

In the dark of the night we hear the calling of the Solstice Cube. Click on me help me bring back the sun. They're back! The first of the Mystical Solstice cubes has been found at the Water Tiki Temple. These have a short lifespan, they only stay alive as long as people keep clicking on them so, hurry, hurry, hurry down to Water Tiki Temple Jeaden! Lucky Tribe So new, oh so improved! @ . If you have not received my blog kudos yet, send me an note card in world telling me, "Good Cube, not bad cube" and I'll send you my <3 blog kudos. Good Luck! Miranda Foehammer

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Lucky Tribe News: Return of the Cubes!

Dateline December 11th, 1:57pm - Lucky Tribe HQ. What started out as wonderful day playing Detonation turned to a day of horror as an giant observer cube appeared over Lucky Tribe HQ!
We knew there would be trouble when some naughty person released the captured cube we had quarantined at HQ. But this one was monstrous. Please see the following pictures and the transcription of what was said...
Observer 171B, Second Class: OBSERVING...
Observer 171B, Second Class: OBSERVING...
(Green lasers shot over the assembled crowd scanning us).
It then made a statement that we would be assimilated and resistance was useless. It said that this would be done on January 1st... The cube then disappeared, I guess going to another, otherverse?
Fish Tiki, then spoke up and yelled, "look...urm...don't panic... I can fix this... you *do* trust me - your old pal Fish Tiki right?" and with that he was gone. Fish Tiki, unlikely hero. We're not sure if he will call in fish or use his whiffy powers, but he said he can get rid of the cubic threat.
The conversation degenerated after that into who should stand in for Fish Tiki now he was gone and if the high priestess of all things whiffy should be made to stand in his place until he returns... if he returns...
I write this from my bunker, what can Fish Tiki do? We will all stand behind him, at a certain reasonable distance and help as best we can.
Good Luck,
Miranda Foehammer

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Kudos Spotlight: Wonderland & December Kudos

Greetings tribe!
Just a reminder it's a new month so if you come to HQ and put up a little donation the Tikis will thank you with the December Kudo's badge.
Speaking of HQ, looks like our visitor was release! He's gone, I wonder if he saw fish tiki before he left. Fish tiki seemed mighty concerned about our visitor.
We have a brand spanking new Kudos Location. Wonderland has light sculpts, wings, neko tails. Come check them out at They have both a modified classic lucky chair and a lucky board.
If you have not received my blog kudos yet, send me a note card asking the eternal question, "Oh where, oh where has my ugly cube gone?" I'll send it to the first three people I get a card from.
Good Luck!
Miranda Foehammer

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Kudos Spotlight: (~Moonlight Shadows~) Gorean Store

Greetings Tribers and Tribbettes,
When I was dealing with my clock issues I spent many nights away from the house under the stars. If I had only visited Moonlight Shadows, our newest Lucky Tribe location I might have been lucky enough to get a nice tent to sleep under. Well at least now I can. They have a ton of great gorean styled clothing, furniture, equipment, landscape items, and chores for all of you who cannot get enough washing joy in first life.
They have two unlucky chairs just packed full of kudos so come and get them while they're hot. Come check them out at
Also, there is a weird visitor at Lucky Tribe HQ. It is chained and some are keeping a close watch on this character. It does not seem to like Fish Tiki at all... I wonder what it wants. Anyway, folks have been advised to not mess with the chain as it becomes unstable when messed with. Luckily, it is just as easy to fix.
Lastly there are new fish to catch in the tribes pool. Rudolph Tiki, Santa Tiki and an Angel Tiki are the new ones to populate the pool. The Lucky Seahorse (Angelic) is also back for a short period of time, so come on down to HQ and catch the seasonals.
If you don't have my kudos badge yet, the first three people who send me their favorite roast bosk recipe will get my badge.
Good Luck!
Miranda Foehammer

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Kudos Spotlight: The Unlucky tide is over bring on the Lucky Kudos!

Greetings Tribe,
We have two new Great Lucky Tribe locations to bring you this week.
The owners of the first shop The Furry Cuddle Cave and Mystic Dreams Main Store were nice enough to rez one of their Ameretto breedable horses to show one of their fantastic items they sell. Store also has jewelry, breedable dragons, hats, bracers, tattoos, kids clothes, neko ears and tails and tons of different baggie pants. They also do landscaping items like tree houses, skyboxes and waterfalls. Additionally, they have two Lucky Chairs to get some good luck kudos flowing again. Come check them out at
Our second location is Rhedd Night Designs (RND). They have some great jewelry with matching hand bags and belts. Can't beat that can you? ;-) They also have two lucky boards. Come and get a new look at RND. The store can be found at .
Good luck!
Miranda Foehammer
PS If you have not received my Blog Kudos yet, please send me a note card in world telling me, "I feel lucky!" need to hear that affirmation again.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

LDKO: The last of the Halloween Kudos

So I stumbled back to Water Tiki and asked, "Am I still full of bad luck?" A coconut then fell from the tree above the Water Tiki temple and hit me on the head, before floating up to the surface. He muttered, "flooded". "I thought you said it would go away if I did all of those unlucky chairs." "Unlucky". He said with authority. Unlucky is Watertikese for 13. I counted my unlucky Kudos. Oh my more to go. "Then what are the others?" He asked, "Trick or treat?" There are a number of new LDKO out there folks! First dare to trick or treat with the tikis? Head to each of the elemental temples and find out what Halloween means to the tikis. 1 Trick or treat quest starts at each temple. There are Kookies to be found at Lucky Designs. Ask the tribe and they'll help you get this LDKO. Finally, a previously thought extinct mushroom has been seen at detonation at Lucky Tribe HQ. It is very picky about when it can be seen, so head up to HQ. It will only be there today and tomorrow. Good Luck, hopefully soon... Miranda Foehammer

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

LDKO: The Unlucky Chair Hunt

The day started out pretty much as expected. The clock struck 13 again. As it had every seven minutes for the last two weeks. Getting up, I tripped over my black cat, falling onto my nightstand and shattering the mirror. I tried to stand up and stumbled into my umbrella stand which fell over and my parasol popped opened onto the floor where an unlucky wind grabbed it and dragged it across my kitchen table spilled my salt, finally it rested on my horse shoe which rested for a moment before spilling over upside down. Just as I thought my bad luck for the day was over I received the bill from the clock repairman, who had informed me my clock was possessed and there was nothing he could do about it. Why, oh why, did I do that Unlucky Tribe initiation? Wandering outside I saw dark clouds hanging above, casting my normally tranquil blue island with a menacing reddish sheen. Ghost tiki was still haunting other Tribe locations. Maybe it had to do something with him. I sought out Water Tiki's advice. The Water Tiki Temple, oh so new, oh so improved, was filled with ghostly fish, spinning in a ghastly dance of death. Avoiding their attention I found Water Tiki in a dour mood. "Water Tiki, I'm having the worst luck. Are my fortunes going to get better?" "Drought." Water Tiki spoke in stern tones. "Is there any chance I can reverse my fortunes and bring back the good luck?" "Puddle." he simply stated. "Do you have any good news for me to pass onto the tribe?" "Ocean! Waterspout deeper evaporation, drown... silver-lining!" He proclaimed in formal Watertikese. I floated there pondering his words. "So, in order for the unlucky trend to end we must subject ourselves to a lot more unluck and probably pain, but good things will come from it?" "Glub" So what is this silver lining Water Tiki spoke of? Kudos of course. We have another LDKO. This time Unlucky Chair Hunt. Start purging some of those Unlucky feelings as you get electrocuted, beheaded or implaled at each of the following locations! You only get Kudos for 1 of each of these location if they have multiple chairs. Abundantia: Amethyst Anime: Dreams & Nightmares: (4 chairs spread around) Fnordian Maze: Lovenkrafters: (adult sim) Vintage Perfection: Lucky Designs: After you have purged your unluckiness at each of those chairs check in with Mentor Tiki to claim a special kudos prize! I know I'm going to need alot of asprin during this. If you have not received my blog kudos and are one of the first three people to send me an in world note card saying, "I got you a bottle of asprin." I'll send you a prim for you to wear to get my kudos. Good Luck Tribe! Miranda Foehammer

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Flickr kudos [a bit late]

Nom Nom Nom Nom. Snarf. Burf. Ghost tiki looks up from a binge on Izo's candy apple stash and points to RukukiJiruru Zsun.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

LDKO: Unlucky Misfotunes and The Unlucky Tribe Initiation - The other side of Luck

The veil grows thinner and thinner this time of year. Strange occurrences happening even more often. Ghosts, possessed sky stones, Blogspot preventing image uploads for two hours, tentacle monsters in your dishwater, could it get weirder? Oh yes Virginia, it can and it has... Have you ever asked yourself, just how unlucky am I? Question no longer. At Lucky Tribe HQ right now a new Lucky Fortune has appeared, or should I say, Unlucky Misfortune! You ever wanted to see how bad a match can get? Then find the person you think you will least work out with and try out the "Unlucky Misfortune" at HQ. It's a LDKO so make sure you do it soon! After you have found your unlucky match head up to Initiation Tiki, take your seat and get initiated into "Unlucky Tribe." You know the routine, "Do you feel lucky?" Not for now you don't! Again, this is another of the LDK Ops for the season. Don't be late, you'll be sorry. For all those who still need my blog kudos, the next three people who send me an in world note card saying, "I still believe in spooks!" will get my blog badge. Feeling Unlucky, Miranda Foehammer

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Kudos Spotlight: LDKO The Scary Season...

I was roused from sleep by a disquieting dream. Not remembering the details, I layed snuggled in bed, buried under the covers trying to get back to sleep. A cold wind blew thru the room forcing me to bury my head under the blanket when the clock on my mantle started to chime. Bing, bing, bing... I had no idea of the time so I listened to the chimes. 13. My cat jumped onto the bed and tried to get under the covers. I sat there and just pet him, I felt his concern as well. The veils between worlds were growing thin, and I knew the season of Halloween had come to Lucky Tribe. So we knew that the Unlucky Dip had shown up at Lucky Tribe HQ so I asked around. Rumors of a Ghostly Tiki had surfaced again. Now I know what you are thinking, how can a tiki become a ghost? I don't know the answer to that but I started my search. LTHQ would be the best place to start the search so I figured I would start at the bottom up. I reached the area of the sky stones and looked around. There is a new ghostly engraving near the stones. 13. Hmm this had to have something to do with the Sky stones game. Still no ghost tiki. I made my way up to Fish Tiki's pond and saw the oddest devilish sea-horse poke it's head up out of the water. I broke out my pole and caught it straight away and caught a brand new SuperUltraRare Red Demonic Seahorse. I asked Fish Tiki about it and he said nothing. The ways of Tikis are strange and unknowing. I spoke with some other Tribers and Tribbettes and many spoke of their ghostly encounters. I told them it was all part of their imagination, yet they insisted. Water Tiki had asked for some decorations for the Water Tiki Temple. I figured a few good sculpts would keep him happy so I went to Nya's. I had just recovered from my teleport and what did I see a ghostly tiki staring at me with piercing glowing eyes. I reached out to touch it to prove to myself it was not an illusion and it faded away laughing. So he's not at all only at Lucky Tribe HQ but can be found at many of the Lucky Tribe locations and the Elemental Temples as well from the tales that pass thru the tribe. So that makes a total of four Halloween kudos so far. The tribe in on edge wondering whats next. Only time will tell, but don't wait too long. These limited duration kudos opportunities (LDKO) are only around until the end of October so go out there and get them! I might have been a sceptic at the beginning of the day, but by the end "I do believe in spooks" and that's what I want you to tell me in an in world note card if you want my I love the blog badge. Only the first three people who send me the card will get my badge. Good Luck, Miranda Foehammer

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Flickr Kudos for Oct. 8th

The Tikis are much amused with the new dip at HQ.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Lash-Ware and Izo's

Greetings Tribers and Tribbettes! So we are creeping into October. New kudos are here and more to come. I'm going to give you three locations today and catch up on the other new Kudos locations later this week. Have you ever heard the guys complain about clothes for them? Well, Lash-wear is one of the tribes new locations and it caters to the more masculine of the tribe. They also have some great t-shirts for everyone. Come check out their store and hit their lucky board. It can be found at Long time Tribbette Izo has opened up her own store, it is filled with cute outfits and hair styles for ferrets! You have to come check this one out for yourself. Izo's garden & fishing hole has a miniature lucky chair as well. http://slurl/secondlife/Morning%20Shire/34/226/21 . Lastly, there is a new terror that has grown at Lucky Tribe HQ. This is what happens if you don't change the filter on the hot tub often enough. There is a new type of dip. "The Unlucky Dip" Dare you take a dip into the tentacle monsters tub? There could be kudos hidden in there, but will you survive to get them? Take a dip, see if you get lucky. Lucky Tribe HQ is located at Since we are talking monster, if you want my blog badge, and if you don't have it, send me a note card in world telling me the most creative Halloween costume you have ever seen or wore. The first three people to send me the card will get my badge. Update: I have given away all of the kudos this round. Good Luck Tribe! Miranda Foehammer

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Flickr Kudos Winner Sept 25th

According to crumpled note, written in crayon and shoved under Izo's door, the Tiki gods have chosen Tink Rang as this weeks Snap-Happy Kudos winner. Arrrrrr

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Water Tiki - Fresh Water - New Location for Water Tiki Temple

It all started with a "Glug..." it always starts with a Glug. Water Tiki has a much larger vocabulary then what we normally hear him speak. "Wave, South Seas Edge, Fresh, Glug." Half the problem is you have to translate what he was meaning. But I had heard part of this before. Wave apparently means "move me!" Last time he wanted to change from a Sunset view to a Sunrise view and I had to move him halfway across the world. I actually convinced a group of dolphins to do it, but we won't go there. I looked thru my lexicon of Water Tiki sayings, and it translated to, "The water is always wetter on the other side of the sim line." This time, the move would be a lot easier. Water Tiki had too much Salt water and wanted to be moved closer to land, with fresh waterfall water. When a Tiki wants something, what can you do? So, Water Tiki Temple has been moved. Nestled under a waterfall along the edge of the an open river and the open sea. "Water Tiki Temple Jeaden! Lucky Tibe So new, oh so improved!" is open for all your "I need to supplicate myself to a water drenched Tiki needs." It is located at Now there are no new Kudos associated with the move, but... I will give my badge to the first three folks who send me a card saying, "Third time is a charm!" Good Luck! Miranda Foehammer

Friday, 17 September 2010

Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwafffflemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwafflemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwafflemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm OhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwafflemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmPam Pedrommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwaffle

Friday, 10 September 2010

Flickr Kudos winners for Sept.10th

Fire is red Water is blue Lost tiki has returned and has kudos for you Congratulations, YessikaCalydonBardenboar AND Fox Ruissatel

Monday, 6 September 2010

Lost Tiki Returns and LDDKO's!

And so it came to pass... Lost Tiki had become so lost that he found his way to the Land of Dead Kudos. Once something goes there, it does not come back. Lost Tiki was doomed to stay there forever, yet with all things tiki, there was always a lucky chance that he could be saved. Quickly, Lost Tiki came to realize, it was too late to ask for directions. All those years, wasted opportunities. He viewed all the dead kudos and piles of single socks and rummaged thru his pockets for anything that could help. Hmm... seven various coins of foreign currencies, 7 linden, tiki pocket lint, a tattered, smudged, damp, soiled, burnt, faded and slightly whiffy map of the first info hub, 5 lucky boards, Fish Tiki's tooth brush and low and behold, his lost cell phone. Thankfully he still had pretty good cell phone reception for a place with no exits. See every time you loose reception, it goes to the Land of Dead Kudos. He faintly remembered that Hud Tiki had a cell phone and frantically dialed. Hud Tiki realized what happened and consulted with the other Tikis. A plan was arrived at to bring Lost Tiki back...
The tribe came together and completed all the Tiki's elemental ceremonies. This drove Fish Tiki to come up with his own ceremonies so that he would not be left out. All completed in time. The veil between worlds was growing thinner with the shortening days. And so Lost Tiki saw his opening, grabbing a bunch of of the Dead Kudos Opportunities (DKO) and made his way thru the gate.
He loaded those Kudos in his Lucky boards and dropped them off at the various Elemental Tiki Temples and Left one with Fish Tiki. He looked for Cherry Kirktown, First Priestess of all things slightly Whiffy, to give her Fish Tiki's tooth brush but got lost trying to find her... Hopefully he'll find his way home one day.
So the following temples have a Lucky Board at them with the following Lost Kudo's badge in them:
Water - Willow Grove Ranch - "Nobody but us chickens" -
Air - DNA Studios - "Genetic Gestures" -
Fire - Crimson Castle - "A Dark Future" - http://slurl/secondlife/FairChang%20Quebrada/26/127/697
Fish Tiki - Coco Beach - "Coco Beach Kudos"
So some might say, I have blogged this a week to late, but I would say I did it a week early! These Limited Duration Dead Kudos Opportunities (LDDKO's) will be around until Monday at Midnight on the 13th of September, giving the tribe ample opportunity to collect them all before they need to return to the Land of Dead Kudos. Remember, since we are in September there is a new badge at the donation site at Lucky Tribe HQ. Get your September badge by making a donation to your favorite in world tribe today! For all of you that have not received my badge yet, Please send me an in world note card telling me what color sock you last lost, I'll see if Lost Tiki has it just in case he brought it back out with him. I'll also send you a black Pro Fish Tiki T-shirt as well. Good Luck! Miranda Foehammer PS. Lost Tiki does not seem to have the socks that I was requested to look for. I have sent out the three Kudos badges for this time. New blog coming soon!

Friday, 3 September 2010

Flickr Kudos winner

Well, the earth tiki started screaming While I lay dreaming Well, the earth tiki started screaming While I lay dreaming Dreaming of pie There was Air, there was Water Then the Fire went out And the ferret fell from the sky It rained kraken, it rained prawns And the day of kudos has come Congratulations Helen Daines & Mazie Halpern

Friday, 27 August 2010

Flickr Kudos August 27th

˙ɟɟןoʍ uıʞɹɐp puɐ 'uıǝʇzsuǝɹɥo ıɹoɥs 'ooʎɐɥɔ ɐʞɐx oʇ sopnʞ ɹʞɔıןɟ sʞǝǝʍ sıɥʇ pɹɐʍɐ ןןɐɥs noʎ :pıɐs puɐ pǝɹɐǝddɐ ıʞıʇ ʇuǝɹɐdsuɐɹʇ ɐ 'ǝןɟɟɐʍ ɐ buıʞoɯs 'ʇɥbıu ǝuo ʇɐs ozı sɐ

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Kudos Spotlight: 3 New Kudos Opportunities

Greetings Tribe!
With all the fishing and vigils going on it's a busy time for lucky tribe. Well don't relax yet. We have 3 new Kudos opportunities.
Our first shop is Framelight [K.O.] Khan Omizu Textures! Wonderful building and fabrics. They have two lucky chairs there. The ones with the signs above them are the tribe chairs.
Our second location is The Mad Catter, cute neko clothes for both him and her! Come check them out at Their lucky board is upstairs.
Finally, one of our newer locations, Onium Dye has added a lucky koin to their Lucky Dip! Get your hazmat gear ready and take a dip! . Check out their great textures while you are here.
I have a special tee shirt for the first three people who send me either the statement, "I'm a fish tiki supporter." or "Down with Fish Tiki". On top of my blog badge they will receive a t-shirt expressing their opinions that Ross was so nice to make for me.
Good Luck!
Miranda Foehammer

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

LDNKBO: Fish Tiki has his day!

While I was in the Water Tiki temple yesterday, cleaning up after the successful vigil over the weekend. By cleaning, I mean talking the snails that live there to keep on moving... I received message from Fish Tiki. It was very demanding even for him. Now I normally don't have any issue with this and told Water Tiki all about it. Water Tiki in his wisdom asked me, "Beast". "Kraken" I answered and the font of wisdom opened up in my mind! It said, if we do what Fish Tiki demands there will be a LDNKBO!
OK, I know what you are asking. What is a LDNKBO? Well its a limited duration no kudos badge opportunity and one is going on right now. Well since all the other Elemental Tiki's have been have gotten so much attention by the tribe trying to bring back Lost Tiki from the LoDK (Land of Dead Kudos), Fish Tiki has become a bit upset. See, he has determined that he needs as much attention as all the other Tikis got added together. So, from what he claims, even though we completed all of the necessary ceremonies to bring Lost Tiki back (with rich LDDKO [Limited Duration Dead Kudos Opportunities]), Fish Tiki is blocking the gates to the LoDK and preventing him from coming back until we do as he says.
Now after doing all of his culinary chores, Blackened Unlucky Fish and Mushroom Soup hunts he now wants us to do his housekeeping. And with all of the Lucky and Unlucky fish living in his pool at Lucky Tribe HQ, there has been the normal and abnormal bickering that happens at family reunions and this has lead to a few, oh lets say, accidents. The bottom of Fish Tiki's pool is full of many dead fish. You would think with 7 Kraken spawn living in there (Air, Water, Fire, Water, Ghost, Tiki and Lost varieties included) all catch able and all chock full of your daily Kudos needs, they would have dealt with the bodies, but it turns out they are very picky eaters. There apparently are 77 dead fish in that pool and they need to be fished for.
I received an odd pictogram before I left to go to HQ and didn't have a chance to decipher it before I joined my fellow Tribers and Tribbettes at the sight of the cleanup. Fish Tiki looked happy as he saw members of all of the elemental tiki's followers doing his bidding. I chastized Fish Tiki for his behavior and broke out my fishing rod. The tribe seemed to pull together to work well toward cleaning up the pond. I started fishing. I didn't catch one all night. After all, what type of bait do you use to catch dead fish? Anyway, if you catch one of the dead fish, on top of getting a little smelly, you get a badge. There are no Kudos associated with the badge, but for all you badge collectors, it's well worth it on it's own. So head down to LTHQ and catch one of those dead fish (uncommon).
I worked to decipher the pictogram, a slice of ham, a well drawn picture of a neko, a children's spinning toy, wavy lines a crude picture of a tiki and a Buddhist Monastery. I figured out what it meant and made my way back to Water tiki temple and found a neko waiting for me on the roof. He asked me not to give his name, but he said he was the unofficial priest of Lost Tiki and proceeded to rant for an hour, he claimed that Fish Tiki was trying to take over and prevent his Lost Tiki from coming back. I looked at his kudos points and noticed he had very few, he said he spends all of his time looking for lost tiki and has had no time to devote to anything else. His main point was, "fish are for eating not giving commands." I wandered away a little numbed after the incident and had to think, had Fish Tiki overthrown Lucky Tribe?
This afternoon I received a message from his Fishyness, "The Great And Mighty Fish Tiki, Keeper of All Things Fishy and slightly whiffy, wishes it to be known that:TWENTY THREE Loyal and fishy Acolytes have removed decomposing fishy lumps from his beloved pond.Also, be it known that - in recognition of SPEEDY, TIMELY, and EFFICIENT fish-lump removal (i.e. being the first acolyte to get her hands dirty), Cherry Kirktown has been granted the honorary title of: FIRST PRIESTESS of FISH TIKI, for the next 2 weeks." Congrats Cherry!
Well I'd like to hear your thoughts on the Fish Tiki disruption. If you have not received my badge yet, please write me a note in world saying either, "I for one would like to welcome our new fishy overlord!", "Oh, come on Miranda, this is Fish Tiki we are talking about." or "Viva la Revolucion!" to describe your stance on Fish Tiki's ascendancy. The first three who send me their vote will receive my I love the blog badge.
Good Luck!
Miranda Foehammer

Saturday, 21 August 2010

A Postcard from Lost Tiki

Oh oh… it looks like Lost Tiki has really outdone himself this time, and found himself stranded in the Land of Dead Kudos. Ever wondered where all the abandoned, used-up, and plain-forgotten-about kudos boosters disappear to when they're not clicked on any more? That'll be the Land of Dead Kudos. It's a bit like the Elysium Fields of ancient greek mythology… only with grass skirts, lounge music, and exotic cocktails.

Anyway, all good things come to an end, and Lost Tiki has finally decided it's time to come home… there's only one problem - the trip to the Land of Dead Kudos is, traditionally, a one-way ride. There are no return flights. Extracting Lost from this world of missed kudos opportunities could take exceptional measures….

But there might be a way! The oldest Tiki priests recall a forgotten age when the ancient feast of "The Reaping" took place in late August. Opinions vary on the origins of this feast… some folk claim that it was tied up with harvesting that usually takes place around this time of the year… while other (more clued-up?) individuals claim that the festival was actually to do with the reaping of souls, and transitions from the mortal plain to the Land of Dead Kudos.

Here's the plan: The ancient Elemental Tikis believe that - for the duration of The Reaping - it might be possible to open a portal to the Land of Dead Kudos. To do this, they need the power of worship …. more specifically: the power of VIGIL worship!

Event Rules:

The Festival of the Reaping runs from NOW until Sunday 29th August.

If at least ONE elemental vigil is fully completed - at any Lucky Tribe temple - during this period, a gateway to the Land of Dead Kudos will be opened, and Lost Tiki will be able to escape.

A vigil only counts as valid if it has at least ONE vigil virgin taking part in it (i.e. somebody who hasn't won a "completed vigil" kudos badge before now answers at least one of the Tiki's questions).

As thanks for aiding his escape from the Land of Dead Kudos, Lost Tiki will bring gifts - These gifts will take the form of "resurrected" kudos boosters from The Land of Dead Kudos, giving people who missed them the first time round a NEW chance to win these (otherwise unavailable) badges.

On Monday 30th August, ONE previously-dead Kudos Booster will be returned to EACH temple that successfully completes a vigil during the course of "The Reaping" - meaning Lost Tiki could return from the Land of Dead Kudos with up to FOUR "dead" badges.

The exact badges to return will be nominated by the high priest/priestess of each temple (or, in the event of AWOL priests, their second-in-command will be consulted). The badges must be the "standard" in-store kudos booster type badges - i.e. a lucky chair, lucky board, fortunes, or lucky dip. Got something you REALLY want to see restored for a week? …tell the priests!

The resurrected kudos boosters will be placed in the relevant temples, and be winnable for a period of one week… after which, they will slip back to the Land of Dead Kudos (their presence in our reality is, alas, only transient!)

Good Luck! :)

Friday, 20 August 2010

Snap- Happy Kudos August 20th

When Izo was mowing the grass at the earth temple, the ground shook and rumbled. Out of a deep fissue a mighty granite head appeared and commanded "Thou shalt award this weeks Snap-Happy kudos to Tolsen Decycla, Min Ireto, and Asus Flow.

Friday, 13 August 2010

LDKO: Friday the 13th: The Unlucky Fish Returns

Way back when the world was new the Tiki Gods decreed many things. For example that swallows would return to Capistrano on March 13th, that you would always loose socks in the dryer and that on Friday the 13th the Most elusive of Lucky Tribe fish would return to their spawning ground at Lucky Tribe HQ .
Now you might ask yourself, Unlucky Fish, isn't that against the concept of Lucky Tribe? No, Lucky Tribe is concerned with Luck of all varieties. Think of the Unlucky Fish as the Tribes scape goat. When you can't get that chair to flip, it's probably because some wild unlucky fish is hiding under the chair or is in the next region. So do your part in restoring the luck to HQ by catching one of these ultra rare fish.
Oh, if you haven't received my new blog kudos send me a note card telling me "I embrace all forms of Luck." The first three people who send me that will receive my badge.
Good Luck,
Miranda Foehammer
PS. I got my three notecards. Stay tuned new ops soon!

Snap Happy Kudos return!

During a waffle induced stupor, the ferret had a vision of a Tiki with flaming eyes that commanded , in a voice that cannot be disobeyed, that this weeks Snap-Happy kudos should be awarded to:
  1. Qadira MacIntyre ,
  2. Mana Honi ,
  3. and
  4. Louise Dirval

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Kudos Spotlight: Kahli's Closet!

Greetings Tribe!
Well Lucky Tribe has another great new location. It is Kahli's Closet. It has some great clothes and boots. This time for guys and gals alike. Come check them out at
If you have ever been interested in shaping the future of the tribe, head up to Lucky Tribe HQ @ and look at the feet of Mentor Tiki for a clip board. Click on it and answer a few questions for Shep. He will greatly appreciate it. There's no kudos in this one, but as Shep says, "You will get a warm fuzzy feeling."
Also if you have not given tribute to the great Tiki gods this month there is the new Lucky Tribe VIP (August) badge that you can get for making a donation at the board at HQ. Think of the termite treatments and Kraken extraction fees we will be having to shell out to free poor Fish Tiki and subsequent child support fees (look closely at your krakens). If you have not received my new blogging badge, send me a card in world reminding me to, "Think of the Saplings!" and the first Lucky Three will get my new badge.
Good Luck Tribe!
Ok folks enough people have thought of the Saplings for now. I've given out the 3 badges for this time. Thanks, keep reading!
Miranda Foehammer

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Kudos Spotlight: LDKO: Element Kraken

Hello Tribbettes and Tribers!
Miranda Foehammer here. Now it was thought that with all of Fish Tiki's issues he might have a hard time making friends. He's like your unmarried uncle Walt. Lives by himself, has some strange hobbies and smells a bit funny. I must admit he makes a wonderful mushroom soup. Well it looks like he has no problem finding friends after all.
Oddly, his friends seem to be very large and have tentacles. I guess everyone has their own form of summer camp and Fish Tiki's is taking place at Lucky Tribe HQ right now!
Now at Lucky Tribe HQ, Fish Tiki's pond has been invaded by by a Kraken, and it seems to have spawned a new form of elemental krakens. They are all of a Rare variety and there is one for each element. Also, one seems to be eating Fish Tiki's head but he does not seem to mind. So come on down to HQ and catch yourself some of the babies before they all go away. Hopefully the Great Kraken will move to the Water Tiki temple at the end of Tiki summer camp. Our own Nya Raymaker. There was a lot of interest in my new blog kudos badge, so again I will offer it to the first three people who send me a request for it with a note card stating, "Sell the tentacles at Nya's NOT Lovenkrafters!" Good Luck and good fishing, Miranda Foehammer PS - I have given out the three kudos prizes from this time.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Kudos Spotlight: 5 *NEW* Lucky Tribe Kudos Locations

Greetings Tribers and Tribbettes! We have 5 great new Lucky Tribe Kudos locations to add this week. The first is another great shop for all you builders in the tribe. The name of the store is Onium Dye, and features a ton of great textures from neon to grunge. The owners Mazie Halprn and Tolsen Decycla have a two lucky chairs and a Lucky Dip all set up for the tribe. The chairs are the only ones at the moment with Kudos in them though. Come check them out at . Our second location is ~The Legacy~ Medieval and Fantasy Weaponry & More. The stores landscaping is breath taking when set to midnight. They can be found at They have a wide assortment of fantasy eyes, swords, spears and other ways to quietly dispatch of thine enemies in the Spellfire combat system. So come on down and hit their Lucky Board. Our third location is *~*ThReDz*~* a store with clothes for him and her. I hear you guys complain about lack of clothes options. They have two chairs to get your kudos from. You will land surrounded by bunnies! You will see the store up at the end of the bunny patch. The sign above the door reads Apholic. So come down to Call me Alice! Our next shop has me thinking I give my self very good advice, but very seldom follow it... Have you ever found yourself asking, where can I find giant mushrooms or a dark foreboding stone cottage? I know I have. Well question no longer! They are here at Mycophile Main Store - Mushrooms, Fantasy Plants and Prefabs. Another store by Ross Myhre of Mire fame. We all knew he was a little unhinged, but I think we all know why now. Come check out this great store Our last store has some great sculpt items. It is called Amethyst Anime. Fountains, Pillars, more mushroom stools and has some of those cute bunnies hopping around. So come and check out this store and their Lucky Chair at So I know most of you have have my "In the news" blog kudos badge and Shep realized that too. So... he crafted a brand new, shiny badge for me to give out. So, the next 3 people who send me a note card in world saying. "Yep, I read it!" will get this newest of newest badges. Good Lucky! Miranda Foehammer

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Kudos Spotlight: Secret Textures

Shh, there's a new Lucky Tribe Kudos location out there. It has some wonderful textures and some great nails for your AV! Come on down and check it out. It's at If you are still lacking the necessary kudos to get that next ticket for the wonderful bling textures at the Lucky Tribe Redemption point in the store and you have not received my blog kudos yet, send me a note card in world telling me, "check out my new nails!" and I'll send you my "In the news" kudos. With the shift of the month, remember that you can get a new Kudos badge at Lucky Tribe HQ. Become a VIP member for making a donation at As always, good luck tribe! Miranda Foehammer

Sunday, 20 June 2010

LDKO "The Solstice Sphere"!

Greetings Tribers and Tribbettes,
Well happy solstice folks, or it will be soon. Tomorrow to be exact. As the Tiki's have it despite me locking the solstice cubes away and having Heavy Tiki sit on them. Despite Izo mailing the earth Solstice cube somewhere far away, our fickle Tiki masters have caused all my planning to come to naught and have created "The Solstice Sphere"! Now this one is spinning now and if you have dealt with the cubes before and you are still alive, you can now have your own war stories to tell new Tribers. Visit HQ and take up the vigil. The seventh person to touch it gets a whopping big 50 Kudos awards. Shep has promised if the tribe keeps it going until the actual solstice will get another reward. The way this works is the Sphere is aligning itself to an element and telling those around it what it is aligned to. If you are of that element it is open to, and you touch it it will spin for 7 seconds and let someone else touch it. If you are not, then the Tiki powered sphere will take a lot longer. The seventh person to touch the sphere gets the kudos. So since this is very limited in duration, I suggest you go NOW! to Lucky Tribe HQ and join the brave folks, wolf people and persisting ferrets that have been keeping that sphere turning. My hat is off to you folks!
If that is still not enough kudos for you, send me a note card with your name in the title and the following phrase, "Ring out those Solstice Bells!" to me inworld and I'll send you a limited "In the news" kudos prim to rez. If you have my award, please let some other people get it as I will only be sending out 3 this time around.
Stay Lucky!
Miranda Foehammer

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Kudos Spotlight: Kudos Kuttlefish and the elusive Kudos Karrot

Just when you think there is nothing more that can loose the letter "C" you find you were wrong. This week Lucky Tribe brings you both the elusive Kudos Karrot and a new family of Kudos Fish. Lucky Designs has released a new type of Lucky Dip. This one is the Lucky Rabbit Hutch celebrating all things rabbit that has hopped all over Second Life. Make your way down to Lucky Designs @ and try out the new Lucky Dip for a chance to find the Kudos Karrot and gain it's badge. The second kudos release is a whole family of Lucky Kuttlefish. There are 7 varieties to catch, from the common Red variety to the SuperUltraRare Violet variety. So grab your fishing pole, fish eating plant or UFO and head down to Lucky Tribe HQ @ Remember HQ has the Lucky Tribe fishing Pass system that allows you to fish for the Lucky Tribe fish for either a daily or weekly rate. If you are in need of some additional kudos and have not received my blog kudos yet, send me an in world note card saying your name and "We are all deficient in vitamin C". Good Luck, Miranda Foehammer